Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Workshop 1- Cohort 18

This past Sunday was Cohort 18's first workshop. We focused on getting to know each other, our most important values and leadership. These three topics will continue to be discussed throughout the year. 

Each fellow brought in a picture of themselves; some were cute baby pictures and others were more recent photographs. Each one had some sort of story connected to it, whether that had to do with a hobby or family or friends. After this, each fellow posted their picture on the wall and everyone wrote down facts they remembered about that person from our first meeting. We reconvened and shared interesting facts we learned (hopefully re-learned!) about each other. This was a step in getting to know each other, as the connections we make this year will and need to be strong.

Next, we did a Chamsa Values Program. The chamsa is a hand-like symbol that is seen in different religions and cultures all around the world. Each fellow began with an individual chamsa, writing their five most important values. Then fellows got into groups of four or five and had to create a Diller Cohort 18 group chamsa, writing the most important values for the group this year. Then (yes, there's more), the entire group got together and had to ALL agree on five important values for the group. The beautiful part of this activity is that the values are different for every cohort, which is what makes this program so unique and special.

After a short break on the roof, the fellows came back to the board room and began working on the Ultimate Leader Program. Pictures of famous leaders were laid out on the floor, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Beyonce Knowles and Abraham Lincoln. Each fellow picked a leader and described what made this person a good leader, what specific qualities they admired in this person. Again, this is another unique program, because each person will describe the leader differently, as we all look for different aspects in a leader; we each connect differently to different parts of people.

With these programs under their belts, the fellows gained a better understanding of what Diller is all about and also gained more knowledge of each other and what is important to each person, because in a group of 20, there will be varying results. Next up is the Joint-Workshop with Cohort 17 on October 12.Looking forward to it!
Sam, Cohort 18 Junior Counselor

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