Thursday, February 6, 2014

What Kind of Jew are YOU? Cohort 17

“What kind of Jew are you?” said in a disbelieving tone. Have you ever thought that about another person? Had someone say it to you, because you may practice Judaism differently or look different? At this workshop, Ilana Kaufman led an activity that helped us analyze the judgments we make about people in the matter of seconds. Judgments can often be helpful in quickly placing a person so we can connect with them, however they can also end relationships before they start. Many fellows shared stories of quickly judging a person and believing that they couldn't be friends for one reason or another. Eventually, they ended up realizing their mistake. These are a few happy redemption moments, but each of us  have missed opportunities and friendships never gotten the chance to start due to snap judgments. After discussing our own stories, we learned the process in which are brain goes through trying to assess people. We explored the "Ladder of Inference"- how to break down the steps.The lessons are not only applicable in Diller, but also in our everyday lives.

                After a quick lunch, we came back into a transformed room. The tables were covered with tablecloths, candles, flowers and dessert. This was the setting for our “Values Cafe.” As we ate and drank Martinelli's, we discussed what was necessary to make a change in the world. Individually, we wrote what we believed on a sticker and kept it in our binder. We switched  tables three more times discussing what qualities we valued most, what Jewish values were the most important, and because of those beliefs what causes were the most important to us. The informal setting lent itself to conversion and it was a great introduction to the pillar of Tikun Olam, though it relates to all of them in some way. We then spent some time planning our next Shabbaton, which we are planning ourselves. The theme is social justice.

Now on to the Shabbaton!

Katie cohort 17

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