Tuesday, January 7, 2014

“Movie-ing Forward"- Breaking barriers between communities

I became interested in creating relationships and working with people with disabilities about four years ago. When the Tikkun Olam Project was proposed to our San Francisco Diller Teen Fellows group, I immediately knew what I was going to do for my project. I created “Movie-ing Forward.” This is a group that integrates members of the community I had been working with (no matter if they had disabilities or not) by attending Movie Nights with social time before and after the movie, as well as other interactive events. The periodic movie nights and events are held at different theaters and locations throughout Marin. I created Movie-ing Forward to attempt to break the social barrier between these community members who really aren’t all that different. Anyone is welcome!
At the first Movie Night, I really enjoyed visiting with old friends from Cedar’s of Marin, which is an assisted living program for adults with disabilities. I volunteered for Cedar’s for two years, and it was very nice to see everyone again. I also enjoyed making a new friend from Cedar’s. I had the pleasure of sitting next to him in the movie called “Free Birds” and hearing his frequent laughs. Additionally, it was really amazing to have some of my Diller friends and leader, Gabi, attend my Movie Night. That is the kind of Diller support that I always really appreciate.

I plan to hold the next movie or event very soon, and I hope to expand it to an even broader range of the community. As I did so before, I will invite organizations for people with disabilities such as Cedar’s of Marin, Rec Inc., Oak Hill School, and groups from local schools. I will also spread the word again to other community members by posting flyers, sending emails, and creating a Facebook group. This process of planning and executing these events, inspired by the Tikkun Olam Project, applies to my life in the fact that it has encouraged me to enhance my professional and leadership skills. It also allows me to stay in touch with old Cedar’s of Marin friends as well as make new friends both with and without disabilities, which is an example of how Movie-ing Forward is already beginning to achieve its goal.

-Natalie Breuner Cohort 16


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