The following blog entry comes from Sarah Grossman-Kahn, which speaks about our visit to Delancey Street Foundation in downtown San Francisco. Read on to hear more about Delancey Street and our experiences there. Enjoy!
--Aaron Levi
On Sunday, February 12, Cohort 15 of the Diller Teen Fellows got an opportunity of a lifetime. We were lucky enough to spend our afternoon at the Delancey Street Foundation in San Francisco. We spent the afternoon with Diller alumni and our parents, and together we explored the majesty of the Delancey Street facilities. On the surface, the buildings are beautiful and the food is delicious, however, Delancey Street is so much more than what meets the eye.
A little history first. Delancey Street was founded in 1971 by Mimi Silbert and John Maher. They had a vision to provide a second chance to those who had been in prison. It started small, just a few apartments around the San Francisco area. Then, purchased buildings along the beautiful Embarcadero. They have had the same methods from the very beginning. Everyone operates for the greater good of the Delancey Street family. People are responsible for themselves, and for their neighbors.
On Sunday, we were greeted by four residents of the Delancey Street Foundation. They each told us their personal story, and I think I can speak for the entire cohort when I say there wasn't a dry eye in the theater. Each one was so honest and candid, it really emphasized the importance of Delancey's programs, and their immense success. Then we were taken on the VIP tour of the Delancey Street facilities, and got a sneak preview of the cafe. This short tour gave us the chance to question the residents even further about how Delancey Street has changed their lives, and also to chat and create a more personal relationship with them.
Delancey Street is a wonderful place, with a unique mission. It graces our own backyard of San Francisco, yet has passed beneath our radar for so many years. I feel so fortunate to have finally gotten the chance to investigate the beautiful community that is Delancey Street.