Sunday, October 12, 2014

When the two met- Joint workshop Cohort 17 and 18!

Our Sunday began with a language program led by our favorite (and only) Diller coordinator Gabi. We discussed the literal and figurative connection to language. A few fellows volunteered to demonstrate 3 different scenarios; someone getting proposed to, the birds and the bees (father and daughter talk), and 2 brothers in an argument. The twist was that no real [English] words could be exchanged. One group displayed their frustration through gibberish and annoyed body language as another barked and meowed to show miss-communication. Finally, we were treated to a few beautiful hand and body motions by our distressed father-Micah as he taught his daughter-Sophia about the birds and the bees. Although it was a funny program, we were able to recognize and have a meaningful discussion about our home, family, friend, Diller, and, culture “language”.

Subsequently, cohort 17 prepared to meet cohort 18 for the first time. As we started preparing programs for them they slowly started shuffling in. We began our combined workshop with a some icebreakers led by a few cohort 17 fellows. Later, different committees from cohort 17 talked about their experience with Diller and what the purpose of their committee was throughout our cohort. We were able to talk to our cohort 18 dillaroos about  any questions, concerns, excitement they had coming into Diller. As a way to help them ease into the “Diller family flow”, we [cohort 17] will each partner with one them [cohort 18] in our mentor program. This allows us to stay connected and pass on traditions to future cohorts:)

-Caroline Rabinovich          

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