Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lighting up the Desert

Our seventh day of this incredible experience began for many of us at sunrise. We watched the sun come up over a hill near our campsite in Sde Boker and light up the golden mountains. After breakfast we drove to Nachal Haverim, where we were to hike. There was an ancient cistern at the beginning of our trail that we were able to walk inside and escape from the heat. As we hiked down into the canyon every view blew us away. We arrived hot and sweaty at Ein Ovdat where we enjoyed the beauty  of a waterfall and lagoon. But we were still at the bottom of the canyon. So from there, we hiked up 410 stairs that were carved into the canyon 1500 years ago. Despite the heat and the tiring steps we kept high spirits chatting with the Israelis and soaking in the canyon's majesty.
       After the rewarding hike we took a cool air conditioned  bus ride to Sfinat Midbar, where we had our Bedouin experience. We sat on covered pillows inside  a tent and listened to a man explain about their culture.  Then we ate off of large platters filled with bread, tomato, cucumber, hummus, and shwarma.
        In the evening, we went to the hostel where we showered and cooled off in the pool.  Shani, the Israeli coordinator, led an interesting discussion surrounding the theme of being a host and a guest to prepare us for Congress and the home stays. We ate a very nice dinner and then broke up into our night circles where we talked about our thoughts of the day. Following our group discussion was a bonfire behind the hostel overlooking the canyon. Not only were the stars and shadows on the rocks amazing, but the roasted marshmallows and conversations were great as well. Overall, we had a wonderful day seeing Sde Boker and rekindling our friendships with the Israelis.

Your Leaders of the Day,
Anna Bernstein and Lily Peterson

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